Monday, December 26, 2011

XMAS 2011

One thing for sure..XMAS 2011 was a joyous occassion for me & family but it was also a super duper busy day as well ( house cleaning, decorating, bla bla bla) & by Xmas we were busy visiting relatives & attending my cousins Wedding.

Albeit of those i love being in Xmas celebration especially when it is celebrated with love ones..i hope u have a great xmas too in 2011.

God Bless ;-)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

SABAH Land Below The Wind,my beautiful kampung


Gosh i was so excited..November & December months are the most happening months for me..because im going back to my kampung 
( village ) yaaayyy..

Done my packing..tomorrow we gonna fly back to Sabah!!!

There will be more postings soon..

Gonna sleep tight now & waking up fresh & lively for the flight..yeahhh

God Bless ;-)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Romlan Guesthouse Lake Toba

 Simple,clean & nice place to stay but most importantly it was SUPER CHEAP. our room was only about USD12 per nite ( for 3 pax )

Check out our happy pics around here ;-)

i love the view here

n here especially..

my two awesome cousins

this is our chalet..i love that balcony..overlooking the beautiful lake..awesome!

a smaller room next to our chalet

Romlan Restaurant

having breakfast overlooking spectacular Lake Toba

Mee Gomak or Noodle in Coconut Milk

a nice place to hang out in the evening

with Yanti..a friendly staff of Romlan Guesthouse

Jetty stop in front of convenient ;-)

behind was our Batak traditional chalet..see how convenient..just a few steps away to the lake

Jass is ready to jump anyway it was just an action..we wont dare to jump from here..that was quite least for me ;-p

if this is a pool, i wont go in there..but this is LAKE i HAVE to get the 'feel' of it..u know

oh okay..i dare not swimming too was so deep ;p im a lousy swimmer anyway ;-p

done my swimming..shivering now go go go

Sophie Kinsella's hilarious novel makes me happier during my travelling

so..i am reading now.. ;-p dont stare..i might fall anytime 

overall this guesthouse was fine for us especially it fits our 'backpackers' style budget..dont expect too much though because this place was very basic but it will satisfy u if u r a traveller like me ;-)

Have an awesome trip!

Lake Toba..where time stood still

We arrived at Medan Polonia Airport at 8.30am. ( only 55 minutes from Kuala Lumpur ). 

From Polonia Airport we took a cab ( Taxi Andara - Rp50,000/RM15 per cab ) to Raja Taxi Station ( for PARAPAT town ) which was about 10-15 minutes drive from the airport. 

Taxi Andara in the Airport

yaayy i am in Medan finally

So, this is Raja Taxi Station for Parapat Town. We paid Rp70,000/RM21.00 per pax. The taxi they used is Toyota Innova which can accomodate 6pax.

Our journey from Medan Town to Parapat took about 41/2 was a longest journey i ever had in my life..

bumpy ride & not to mention our 'F1' driver is driving like mad & almost 'kissing' some huge lorries & trailers..all i can do was closed my eyes & try to sleep even it was impossible! 

for a second i thought i might have a heart attack! Thank God i didnt because i still manage to SMILE & PEACE :-p

tengok ini ibu..kasian ya..uda pusing kepalanya..kerna jalan ke Parapat seperti ular dipalu gituuu ;-) pity my cousin Jass..she got motion sickness

choosing what to eat in Parapat town before taking a ferry to Samosir Island

Lunch at Parapat Town..Padang Food..gosh it was so spicy..pheww!!

Parapat Jetty. Ferry fee is Rp7000/RM2.10 per pax

we took a ferry for about 35 minutes to ROMLAN GUESTHOUSE located in Tuk Tuk, Samosir Island.

Gosh the moment i've seen the sprawling Lake Toba..all those rough & scary journey experience had dissapeared..AWESOME words can describe the peacefulness i have here..AMAZING!

I wish i have those expensive DSLR camera

Check out my next ROMLAN GUESTHOUSE..the simple,cheap but great BATAK Traditional Guesthouse we stayed during our 3 days in Lake Toba.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Another Jalan2 Trip

Yipeee.. happy nya..esok i will be going to Medan,Indonesia. Tak sabar nak tengok Lake Toba. Angan2 nak pergi tempat ni lama sangat dah. Kesiannnn baru ni la nak least better than never right?

i've been to Indonesia few times like Jakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta but never in Medan. I hope this journey will be pleasant and enjoyable one. Only 3 of us girls this time ( cousin Jass & Bbie )..too bad others Girls' Travelling Club 
( GTC ) cant make it this time.. ;-(

So, wish me a safe journey & wait for my beautiful Lake Toba photos soon ;-))