Saturday, April 7, 2012

BROMO Volcanic Mountain

YES!! Bromo Mountain..u got it right. Gunung berapi yg masih AKTIF hingga hari ini (ggrrr ). Tapi kenapa Bromo? tak ada tempat lain lagi ke nak pergi? gunung berapi juga la yg nak di tengok! itu lah luahan kata2 mummy selepas kami kembali dari Bromo..hahaha..kesian mummy.

Dont know why akhir2 ini, adventure adrenaline begitu memuncak sekali especially selepas balik dari Bromo. Take a look at awesome Bromo pics here ;

This is Panajakan View Point. Di sini semua pengunjung akan berkumpul utk melihat matahari terbit. Yang bestnya sebaik saja matahari terbit,semua orang bertepuk tangan..haha terasa macam menonton Singing Concert pula. It was fun though. Pictures just cant justify everything i have seen here.

Tengok tu..ramai pengunjung yg tak henti2 menangkap gambar.Masa ni memang susah utk mendapatkan view yg terbaik.Masing2 berebut tempat.Hmmm..

who doesnt..if u know what i mean..

Sampai ada yg sanggup berposing atas pokok! haha..jaga weiii..

This time only 3 of us ( GTC - Girls' Travelling Club ) frm left : cousin Jass,Me & sis Nie
welcoming Bromo with 'muka sembab & pucat semacam' hahaha..( we got to wake up at 1.30AM ok )

Our ever-loving & caring tourist guide..hehe frm left : Beautiful boy Wahyu & Joker of all the days Pak Bian
Thank you guys..

We need to use Jeep from Panajakan to go down to Bromo

Leaving Panajakan View Point after the sunrise..going down to Bromo now.. 

Sekitar many people because it was weekend

Jagung bakar..jagung bakar..( Rp5000 ) it was so tempting but my excitement to conquer Bromo overrides the feeling of eating right now..i cant wait to go down to Bromo right!!!

Finally..HERE we Bromo Sand Sea..welcome..welcome...
but..cousin Jass..why u look so stiff lah..hmmm..( pity her..she didnt sleep at all last night )

Yeah i got my White Horse..di sini kita boleh memilih samada hendak berjalan kaki atau menaiki kuda ke kaki gunung Bromo. Kita pilih Kuda sebab nak perasan kejap macam dalam Cowboy Film ;p 
( Horse Riding charge - Rp150,000 - return )

Pemandangan menuju ke kawah gunung Bromo..ramai orang kan..unbelievable! can u notice where is top of Bromo?..look..nuuuunnn jauh di sana..hmmm nasib baik naik kuda..kalau jalan tak ke 'patah kaki' tu.. favourite shot..notice the mist coming out from the surface..tu bukan debu tau..

staircase of 249 steps to Bromo Volcano Crater..aduh..kena stop few times in between..i feel like 100yrs old now.. ( siapa suruh tak training awal2.. )

 249 steps 

Finally..after 20 minutes of horse riding & 10 minutes of staircase climbing..i present u...
an ACTIVE Volcano Crater!

trust was scary..pheww

Tenggeresse people selling Eidelweiss Flower

check out our perasan cowgirls' journey...

lost in 'Sahara Desert' haha..

I love this cute little yellow jeep..

'cowgirls' wearing Converse ;-p

a Hindu Temple in Bromo

I just love White Horse..macam Unicorn..only without horn ;-)

The Gang.. journey of was such an amazing experience.

Thank you God for this wonderful moments.

I left my heart there & promised will get it back..soon..yeah..SOON!!

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