Thursday, July 7, 2011

From Cambodia To Vietnam By Bus..Crickets anyone?

Journey from Siem Reap to Saigon, Vietnam took about 11 hours by bus. The bus stop once in Kampong Thom ( after 6 hours ) for lunch. 

cousin Jass proudly showing off her maggie mee 'tagging along' all the way from Malaysia..cousin Bbie at the back 'wei why r u so happy sitting next to the toilet my dear?' hahaha..

me & cousin Bbie sitting at the last row of the bus..gosh this going to be a bumpy ride..not to mention the 'aroma' of the toilet :p urrghh

luckily we been asked by the bus stewardess to move to the front seat..fuhhhh how relieved :-))

paddy field scenary along the looks like my village back home :-)

comfy Mekong Express Limousine Bus

Snacks provided by the bus. An egg tart, chocolate muffin, tuna bun & a bottle of drinking water. Quite yummy i must say..or maybe i was 

Kampong Thom - this is where we stopped for lunch

but i don't mean this for LUNCH okayyyy..i was excited to see these things but of course i DARE NOT to try it..yucks :p haha

i was quite 'sakai' to see this Lotus Flower/bunga teratai..i think i tasted it once long time ago. They sell these a lot here.

Uhhhh these exactly look like it just came out from the drain/longkang!!!
eeeeeee...kembang bulu roma tengok 

complete with cili padi lagi 'Lipas Goreng Garing Pedas' haha..

cousin Bbie..kata nak try..acah jer..tak berani pongggg :p

 oopss i cant help sticking my tongue out when i hold this tiny things..sorry lol

 looks CRISPY lehh..

berani posing aja..c penjual dah show 'black face' sebab kitaorg asyik posing dgn CRISPY CRICKETS dia tapi tak beli..hehe

Restaurant ARUNAS..the only decent restaurant here..& the only toilet stopover :-)  dalam restoran ni pun ada jual crispy crickets..eeuwww

whatever it is..cold & resfreshing Cornetto still the best in super hot weather :-) yaayy

let's continue the journey...another 6 hours to go..

interesting scenario

 we were crossing the river by ferry

'Blonde' kid..begging for money..pity though,but dont ever try to give anything if u don't want to be surrounded by other beggar kids as well.

My sis Nie looks so 'bengang' haha actually terkejut sebab the moment dia selak langsir,muka budak blonde ni bertempel kat cermin..haha

Our bus 'steward'..Mekong Express Limousine Bus is the best bus if you want to travel to Saigon. 

Trust me because when we came back later to Siem Reap, we took another bus & it was a Bus from Hell ( honking every 5 minutes & it was like going to fall apart anytime ) u can't even close ur eyes for 1 minute!

Mekong Express Limousine Bus - The Best Bus travelling from Cambodia to Saigon. Ticket fee is USD22 one way ( RM68 ) with snacks & a bottle of drinking water.

Flowery Restaurant, Another stop in Cambodia Border for tea break 

cousin Bbie ( left ) & sis Nie looking 'bored to death' haha..

and cousin Jas looking like picking up a me trying to look as fresh as possible ( konon la ) from the 'bump-exercising' of sitting too long in the bus :p

let's cross the Vietnam Border nowwww..i can't wait any longer :p
& for a moment this remind me of Singapore

Immigration of Vietnam..yaaayyy VIETNAM finally..after 11 hours of 'bump- exercising' lol..Saigon i can't wait to explore u :-)

Next..check out our Saigon / Ho Chi Minh City Exploration..


bbie Suzielyn said...

Looking forward to our next trip:)

Jojo said...

bbie suzielyn..hey GTC..cant wait to be in Medan soon..